
Principal's Notes
Dear Parents,
At Children of the World International Preschool ( C.O.W. School), we are committed to promoting healthy emotional, social, intellectual and physical development in young children through a sound Early Childhood Education programme in English. To that end we follow the English National Curriculum Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) with the relevant enrichments from US, Canadian and Russian school curricular.

Children of the World” International Preschool’s curriculum is patterned after Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS), Key Stage1 and Key Stage2 of English National Curriculum and in many cases goes much further. We have enriched our curriculum and syllabus with corresponding standards and themes of US, Canadian and Russian school curricular.
Our curriculum is a comprehensive framework that sets very high standards for learning, development and care for children of preschool and primary school age and serves as a bridge to the secondary school curriculum.

Pastoral Care and Good Manners
The school aims to provide a happy, caring environment for all children. The Head Teachers of Nursery and Primary School Departments are the key links between home and school and any problems, however small, should be referred to them immediately. The emphasis is placed on learning to live together and on the need for kindness and consideration for others.
We strictly introduce good manners at the school and treat little children as young ladies and young gentlemen. Carefully planned ‘Personal, Social and Health Education’ (PSHE) lessons are an important part of helping children grow up to become responsible, respectful and morally-aware young adults.

Discipline at school
Manners, courtesy and consideration for others should be impressed upon the children’s minds already at their early years childhood. At Children of the World International Pre-school we strive to create an environment which encourages high standards of children's behaviour.
All children will at some time display behaviour which may not be appropriate or desirable. However, this is all part of how children develop and how they learn to express themselves and take their place in society.
The children's days are planned and they are kept busy with appropriate play and educational tasks according to their ages and abilities. All children are carefully supervised, with the correct adult to child ratios being maintained. Our students always receive plenty of smiles and verbal rewards in an environment where they feel physically and emotionally secure.
We have a very strict policy on any kind of physical or verbal bullying. In case a child is regularly noticed pushing, kicking, fighting or calling names another child, there will be serious consequences and this alone can serve as the ground for an expulsion.