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Our aim at C.o.W. School is to discover and develop each and every child’s natural talents and, at the same time, ensure that all the children are achieving their full potential. With this in mind our flexible teaching programme, both in content and style of teaching, is enriched by a variety of after-class activities and clubs.


Our clubs include:

* Ballet&Ball Dances
* Chess
* Saturday English Club
* Aikido / Tsigun
* Art Therapy
* Music Chamber & Choir
* Russian School Preparatory Club
* Fairytales & Drama



Students at C.o.W. School are given the opportunity to broaden their educational experiences through a large number of educational and cultural visits. Students of Reception Group and Year1 visit museums, galleries and theatres. Throughout the year our students also enjoy a number of workshops from well-known children’s actors, artists and curriculum specialists and have an opportunity to welcome peers from other international schools.