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Our educational ethos

Choosing a kindergarten for your child means so much more than finding a good day-care. It means unrivalled support at every stage of their early years education, right through to planning for a secondary school.

At “Children of the World” we believe that children are competent learners who develop in many ways and at various rates. All the children are essentially similar in terms of their need for a base of nurturing, secure and enabling relationships. Through play, we seek to promote the cognitive, emotional, social and physical growth of each child within a nurturing atmosphere.

* Fostering multicultural and bilingual individuals proud of their own origins and respectful of other's origins
* Forming highly educated and intelligent individuals, sensitive of others.

Our teaching practice specially emphasizes on:
* Form children capable of participating in a global society;
* Respecting individual characteristics and sensitivity through an English speaking educational environment;
* Developing good manners. We treat little children as young ladies and young gentlemen
* Enhancing problem-solving abilities rather than simple memorisation as well as promoting independence
* Strengthening each child's talent and encouraging creativity



* Fostering multicultural and bilingual individuals proud of their own origins and respectful of other's origins
* Forming highly educated and intelligent individuals, sensitive of others.